Die kleine Benimmschule 2
"The Little School of Behaviour 2"
The film is divided into six chapters, which can also be played individually. Each chapter contains a positive and a negative version. Good and bad behaviour can be directly compared with one another during lessons.
1 At Julia's House
Negative Version:

Julia, 13 years old, tries on different crop tops in front of the mirror. She eventually decides on a particularly revealing outfit.
In the bathroom Julia applies loud and garish make-up. As Julia's mother enters the bathroom she tells her daughter to take of her make-up immediately and to come for breakfast.
During breakfast, Julia starts a fight with her mother. She doesn't want to get changed or to take off her make-up. She argues that all the girls in her class are allowed to wear such clothes to school. Julia's little sister marvels at her older sister. When the phone rings, Julia takes the opportunity to run out of the house. She doesn't want to listen to her mother.
Positive Version:

Julia is in the bathroom wearing cool and fashionable clothing. She attempts to apply her make-up. As her mother enters the bathroom to check on her, Julia asks her for help. Her mother quickly shows her how to apply make-up subtly.
Julia has already laid the table and made coffee as her mother enters the kitchen with Lisa in her arms. Julia tells her mother that she has a test at school that day.
2 At Max's House
Negative Version:

Max's father comes to pick up Max in order to take him to school. Max is carrying a big bag so that he can stay the night at his father's house. However, Max's father had not discussed this with Max's mother who does not allow Max to go with his father. An argument ensues between the parents as Max's father tells Max not to listen to his mother and to get into the car. Without saying anything, Max throws his bag to the floor and runs away.
Positive Version:

Max's father turns up unannounced to pick up Max but his mother does not agree to this and hence an argument between Max's parents unfolds. Max complains that he's tired of being stuck in the middle of their fighting and walks off.
Julia, who is waiting for Max outside his house, heard his parents arguing and raises this with Max. Max is upset that his parents are fighting because of him. Julia advises Max to speak to their teacher, Mrs Elster about the problem. Max is not sure whether he should.
3 On the School Bus
Negative Version:

Max recklessly forces himself through the crowd of school kids waiting for the bus and in doing so pushes into an elderly woman. As she complains about his behaviour, he insults her. Moritz, a little boy who is sitting on the bus, becomes terrified when he sees Max and quickly tries to hide himself. But Max has already seen him. Max beckons to the boy to get up, shoving him aside and then sits down in his place. At the back of the bus, a girl offers Julia a boiled sweet. She doesn't like it so takes it out of her mouth and throws it carelessly on the floor. The other girl tells Julia she should pick it up in case someone slips on it, but Julia couldn't care less.
Positive Version:

The school children are pushing and shoving to get on the bus. Another school kid pushes Max forward into an elderly lady. She complains indignantly and Max explains to her that it wasn't intentional. The bus driver eventually orders the swarm of children to form a line so that everyone can get on without all the pushing. On the bus, Max offers Julia the last free seat. Julia gives him a compliment.
4 In the Classroom
Negative Version:

As Julia enters the classroom wearing a crop top, she is intensely scrutinized by two of her fellow classmate friends Nadja and Marie, who are also wearing crop tops.
Julia proudly informs the other two that her mother has come to accept her clothing. Nadja and Marie make fun of a fellow classmate because she has a different pencil case to them. Julia on the other hand, has the same pencil case as Nadja and Marie. She wants to be acknowledged by the two coolest girls in her class.

The teacher Mrs Elster enters the classroom. After saying “good morning”, she asks for someone to read out their homework. No one volunteers. The teacher asks Nadja. She hasn't done her homework and makes up an excuse. Max makes fun of her. As a result, the teacher asks Max to read out his homework but just at this moment there is a knock on the door. Julia's mother is outside. Max hasn't done his homework either and uses the opportunity whilst the teacher is out of the classroom to take one of his classmate's exercise books. No one wants to lend him their homework voluntarily, so in the end he just takes it from a weaker girl. However, he can't read the girl's handwriting very well and as he begins to stutter, he is caught out.
Julia comes back into the classroom. She is now wearing a long t-shirt. Her classmates laugh. The teacher quietens them down. Since no one volunteers to read out loud, the teacher decides that the test will last longer. Before the test begins, Nadja and Marie go quickly to the toilet. Julia follows them. In the toilets, Julia listens in to Nadja and Marie as they speak derogatorily about her and her clothing. As the two leave the toilet, Julia quickly goes to the mirror and ties up her top with a knot so that her stomach is showing again.

Max cheats in the class test. The teacher takes away his cheat sheet and then his test paper. The test is over for Max.
Positive Version:

As Julia enters the classroom in the morning, Nadja and Marie make fun of her clothing. Julia gives a quick-witted response and both girls look taken aback.
The teacher enters the classroom and informs them that the last test they did will have to be repeated because so many of them had copied from one other. Max sits despairingly in front of his empty paper. The teacher comes over and encourages him. He starts writing. At the end of the lesson, Max plucks up the courage to go to his teacher and confide in her. His parents fight all the time and he thinks it's only because of him. It's making him sad and angry. The teacher promises to have a word with his parents.
5 During Breaktime
Negative Version:

Max goes out into the playground and has a look around. He sees Moritz standing in a corner. He is the boy Max forced to stand up on the bus that morning. Max goes over to Moritz and starts to bully him. First of all he knocks the sandwich out of his hand and then forces him to take a bite from the bread that had been on the ground. The teacher is aghast and intervenes.
Positive Version:
Julia, Max and Florian go out into the playground. Two boys are cheering on another boy and encouraging him to punch Moritz. Julia bravely steps in between them and stands protectively in front of Moritz. As the boy starts to kick off at Julia, Max holds him back and eventually he walks away sheepishly.
6 In the Museum
Negative Version:

The teacher is taking a big group of schoolchildren on a classtrip to the famous Pergamon Museum. In front of the museum, she briefs the children as to how they must behave. Whilst the teacher takes care of the tickets, the children hand in their coats and bags at the cloakroom. Nadja and Marie have a quick look around the museum shop. Julia tries on a necklace in the shop and Nadja and Marie persuade her to steal it. The teacher calls the girls over and has seemingly not noticed the theft.
The children are standing in front of a display case. After being advised by the teacher to take a step back so that everyone can see, Max pushes a girl backwards. The teacher goes over to Max and demands that he apologise to the girl. Nadja and Marie are bored by the museum trip and detach themselves from the rest of the group. They take out an MP3 player and put in their earphones. Max creeps up from behind them and snatches their MP3 player.
Julia is standing by herself in front of a bust and is about to stick her chewing gum to it. The teacher comes over just in time to stop her.

After leaving the museum exhibition, the teacher asks Julia whether she's forgotten something. Julia nods, taken-aback, and goes back into the museum shop, lays the stolen necklace on the counter and pays the salesman, who in the meantime sees Max stealing some figurines. Max tries to run away but the salesman follows him and catches him. The teacher joins them immediately and Max denies the theft. Meanwhile the salesman delves into Max’s pocket and shows the teacher the stolen figurines. He informs the teacher that he has to notify the police about the theft.
Positive Version:

The school children eagerly enter the big museum exhibition. This time the teacher tries animatedly to give the children a better understanding of the museum. She asks Max to climb a few of the altar steps and wants to know if he noticed anything in particular. Max thinks the steps are very steep. The children discover that the steps are intentionally steep because they are supposed to be walked up slowly seeing as though the altar was, after all, a holy place. The teacher then begins to slowly walk up the steps and tells the children to follow her. The children do so excitedly.
Max's father is waiting outside the museum. Julia and Max walk towards him, followed by their teacher. She approaches Max’s father and asks if he has time to talk. The teacher and Max's father take a few steps away from the children and talk to each other. After this, Max's father promises his son that he will speak to Max’s mother - without fighting. Then he puts his arms around Max and Julia and they all go home together.
